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In Which Den Do I Belong?

Pack 531 welcomes boys in Grades K-5


As a Cub Scout, you will be part of your own pack.  The Pack is divided into smaller groups called Dens. Each Den has about six to eight boys.  All of the Cub Scouts in your Den are in the same grade.  Parents are part of the Pack and can have fun too!



Lion is a family program where a youth and his parent or caring adult partner join Scouting together.  The Lion program encourages boys to learn and explore through hands-on, high-energy activities.  Each adult partner takes a turn at leading a den meeting or outing during the year.  Most meetings and outings are approximately 1 hour.  Boys must be 5 years old by September 1 and in kindergarten to join.

Grades K-5

All new boys to Cub Scouts, in Grades 1-5, will first work toward his Bobcat Adventure.  The Bobcat Adventure is like an orientation for kids and parents and introduces you to what it means to be a Scout.   Bobcat is always the starting point for Cub Scouts. You will learn the Scout Law & Oath, Cub Scout Sign, Cub Scout Handshake, Cub Scout Motto, and Cub Scout Salute.  You will be placed in a den with other boys of the same age/grade level.  Once you've earned your Bobcat, you will continue working on the rank associated with the rest of your den.

First Grade

Tiger Cubs is an exciting introduction to the scouting program for first grade boys.  Tiger Cubs do stuff - lots of stuff - with their adult partners known as Akelas.


What do Tigers do?

Prepare for a hike and go hiking | Build a birdhouse | Play team-building games | Make and eat a nutritious snack with your Den | Practicing good manners at a meal | And much more.

Second Grade

If a Cub Scout has completed the first grade (and has earned the Bobcat Badge), he may start earning the Wolf rank.


What do Wolves do?

Prepare for a hike and go hiking | Prepare and perform skits at campfire program | Participate in a flag ceremony | Visit a religious monument or site | Make a map of your community | And much more.

Third Grade

If a Cub Scout has completed the second grade (and has earned the Bobcat Badge), he may start earning the Bear rank.


What do Bears do?

Learn knife safety | Prepare and perform skits at campfire program | Plan a cooked lunch or dinner that is nutritious and balanced | Tie two half hitches and explain what the hitch is used for | Identify six signs that any mammals, birds, insects, reptiles, or plants are living nearby | And much more.

Fourth Grade

Webelos is a program for 4th grade boys that progresses them further into learning outdoors skills. Webelos earn this rank by completing the six required Adventures and any two elective Adventures, there are 20 elective Webelos Adventures.  


What do Webelos do?

  • Plan and go on hikes

  • Learn about their community and meet community leaders​

  • Help plan and cook a well-balanced meal

  • Learn about their families religious beliefs 

  • Make, carry out and track an exercise plan 

  • Complete a service project on or near a hike location

  • And much, much more.

 Fifth Grade

Arrow of Light is a program for 5th grade boys that prepares them for joining Boy Scout Troop 531. The Arrow of Light badge of rank is earned by completing the six required Adventures and any two elective Adventures, there are 16 elective Arrow of Light Adventures.  5th grade Cub Scouts are referred to as Arrow of Light Scouts and are introduced to the patrol method.  Arrow of Light Scouts wear the Scouts BSA uniform with blue shoulder loops on their epaulets.  Arrow of Light Scouts have a requirement for the Bobcat Adventure to visit a Scouts BSA Troop making the timeline of a Troop visit in the early fall at the beginning of the Cub Scout program year.  The Arrow of Light badge of rank and required Adventures are designed to prepare Arrow of Light Scouts to join Scouts BSA between January and March. 


What do Arrow of Light Scouts do?

  • Demonstrate how to build a fire; light the fire, and safely extinguish it

  • Prepare a balanced meal for your den or family; utilize one of the methods below for preparation of part of your meal:

    • Camp stove

    • Dutch oven

    • Box oven

    • Solar oven

    • Open campfire or charcoal

  • Help plan, support, or actively participate in a service of worship

  • Show what to do for the hurry cases of first aid

  • Make, carry out and track an exercise plan that includes at least three physical activities for 30 days

  • Complete a service project on or near a hike location

  • Attend a Boy Scout Troop 531 campout

  • And much, much more.

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